Monday, August 16, 2010


So, that last post was really informative... (/sarcasm)

Serves me right for posting while exhausted.

So - a little more on the purpose of this blog.

I got home late Wednesday night from attending Moreh l'Morim, a Jewish educator's conference put on by Siegal College in Cleveland, OH.

First - I'll start off by saying this was, hands down, the best conference on Jewish education that I have ever attended.  It is also overall one of the best conferences I have every attended, period.  If you are a Jewish educator - you belong at this conference.

Both during and since the conference, there have been concepts and ideas bouncing around in my brain.  Some have sprung up fully formed and easily articulated.  Others are floating around in murky thought bubbles, waiting to become whole and concrete enough to be expressed.  I felt a need to get it all out of my head, and onto paper - to record the good ideas, and to give me a space to ponder that which needed more time and effort to develop.

The "onto paper" concept soon changed to "hey, why don't you start a blog", so that others could join in the discussion, and assist with the conversion of the half-formed into the fully-formed.  Not to take away from the wonderful E-Kehillah Forum, but, I wanted to ensure that everyone from both the conference community and my home community could participate in the conversation.  I knew that I wouldn't get everyone from the conference to come over here - but I also knew I wouldn't get many from my home community to join the Forum just to read my ramblings.  So - here is my new blog.

My intention is that I will post here a bit about my "Jewish Journey" - specifically my education and how it prepared me to be an active Jewish adult, even though parts of my journey might not lead you to the conclusions you think.  I also want to post about my experience at the conference, and the lingering ideas, topics, and questions I have.  I also also want to leave room to post about the random Judaic floatsam that swirls up from simply living.

I hope that makes a lot more sense, and that you'll come back and visit soon.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So, I'm at this conference...

...and I decided that I had stuff to say, and no soapbox.

So, I created one.

Hopefully someone will find it of use, or at least of interest.